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EMOP Berlin – European Month of Photography 2023 | 02.03.-31.03.2023

Editors’ Choice

Preparations for EMOP Berlin are in full swing: the 10th edition of the European Month of Photography (EMOP) will take place for the first time in spring from 2 to 31 March 2023. Around 100 EMOP Berlin partners will present the medium of photography in Berlin. With the 10th edition, the period of the largest photo festival in Germany will change from autumn to spring for its anniversary, thus bringing it closer to the dates of the European network from Paris, Lisbon and Vienna, among others.

Image above: Logo of European Month of Photography 2023

The key players in this open, biennial festival format are Berlin’s museums, cultural institutions, galleries, educational institutions, project spaces, photography schools, colleges and universities, as well as the participating photographers and artists. Around 100 exhibitions will be on view at EMOP Berlin partners such as the Helmut Newton Foundation, C/O Berlin and the Akademie der Künste in March 2023. They offer visitors the opportunity to get to know the diverse uses and manifestations of the medium of photography over and over again.

“With the 10th edition of the European Month of Photography, a lot of the world is coming to Berlin.”

Andreas Rost

Following an open call, the expert jury for EMOP Berlin 2023 has selected around 100 partner institutions to participate in the festival of photographic images. The jury, consisting of Özlem Altin (artist, Berlin), Katia Reich (head of the photographic collection, Berlinische Galerie), Andreas Rost (photographer, Berlin), Wolfgang Ullrich (art historian and cultural scientist, Leipzig) and Maren Lübbke-Tidow (artistic director, EMOP Berlin), summed up: “With the 10th edition of the European Month of Photography, a lot of the world is coming to Berlin.”
According to the jury’s statement, the global perspective is striking, which is not only evident in the multitude of nationalities of the participating artists/photographers, but also in the themes they bring to the festival. The jury also sees the high number of collectives and collectively organised spaces that have applied, as well as the large number of participatory and/or collaborative projects, as a sign of the times, in which grassroots democratic cooperation seems to be the method of choice for many cultural workers. Entries by contemporary artists and photographers clearly outweigh exhibitions of historical images.

The list of participating partner institutions can be found here:

Partner institutions 2023

A TRANS ● a|e Galerie Potsdam ● Aff Galerie e.V. ● Akademie der Künste—Hanseatenweg ● Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung ● alte feuerwache projektraum ● Anahita Contemporary ●  ARTCO Galerie ●  Atelier Kirchner ● BBA Gallery ● BFF – Berufsverband Freie Fotografen und Filmgestalter e.V. c/o Chaussee 36 – Innenhof ● Botschaft der Argentinischen Republik in Deutschland ● Botschaft der Ukraine in Deutschland ● Bröhan-Museum ● BrotfabrikGalerie ● Browse Gallery c/o Zimmer 48 ● Buchkunst Berlin ● C/O Berlin ● CAMERA WORK Gallery ● CHAUSSEE 36 PHOTO FOUNDATION ● CLB Berlin ● COGNOSCO ● Collection Regard ● Collegium Hungaricum Berlin ● CONRADS ● COPYRIGHTberlin / Kronenboden ● Deutscher Jugendfotopreis c/o KulturMarktHalle ● Deutsches Historisches Museum ● Dorothée Nilsson Gallery ● f3 – freiraum für fotografie ● FEMALE PHOTOCLUB e.V. c/o Alte Münze ● Fotogalerie Friedrichshain – Kulturring in Berlin e. V. ● FOTOGALERIE WIEN c/o Österreichisches Kulturforum Berlin ● Fotografiska Berlin ● FRAGERAUM für befragbare Künste ● Freundeskreis Willy-Brandt-Haus e.V. ● Galerie Albrecht ● Galerie Arimont c/o Galerie Gesellschaft ● galerie burster ● Galerie Deschler, Berlin ● Galerie Franzkowiak ● Galerie Kornfeld ● Galerie Pankow ● Galerie Springer Berlin ● Galerie Strassenfeger O12 ● Galerie Thomas Fischer  ● Galerie Thomas Fischer c/o Andreas Murkudis 98 ● GEDOK Berlin ● Haus am Kleistpark ● Haus am Kleistpark I Projektraum ● Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung ● Helmut Newton Foundation ● Institut français Berlin ● Johanna Breede ● Katharina Maria Raab ● Kicken Berlin ● Klemm’s ● KM, Berlin ● Kommunale Galerie Berlin ● Künstlerhaus Bethanien ● KUNSTWILD Projektraum für Fotografie ● Landesarchiv Berlin ● Laura Mars Gallery ● LOOCK Galerie ● Lothar Wolleh Raum ● Meinblau Projektraum ● Michael Reid Berlin ● Mitte Museum ● Museum für Fotografie ● Neue Schule für Fotografie ● nüüd.berlin gallery ● Office Impart ● Office Impart c/o OPEN BERLIN ● Office Reiner Opoku ● PalaisPopulaire ● pavlov’s dog c/o POP KUDAMM – Place of Participation ● Persons Projects ● Photo Edition Berlin ● Polnisches Institut Berlin ● Raum für drastische Maßnahmen ● ROBERT MORAT GALERIE ● Rumänisches Kulturinstitut Berlin ● Salon am Moritzplatz Berlin ● Sandau & Leo Galerie ● SCHWARZ CONTEMPORARY ● SKICA Berlin – Slowenisches Kulturinformationszentrum Berlin c/o HAUNT // frontviews e.V. ● Stiftung Deutsches Technik Museum ● STUDIO 4 BERLIN ● STUDIO HANNIBALL ● UNUMONDO e.V. c/o Malzfabrik ● Universität der Künste ● Uqbar ● Verein der Berliner Künstlerinnen 1867 e.V. c/o Haus Kunst Mitte ● Villa Heike ● weißensee kunsthochschule berlin c/o Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz ● WW48 Studio

The EMOP Opening Days in the Amtsalon from 2-5 March 2023, consisting of a dense programme of talks, panel discussions, book presentations and other formats, will launch the festival. Until the end of March, the central anniversary exhibition on the festival’s leitmotif “touch” will also be on display in the Amtsalon. With the 10th edition, the period of the largest photo festival in Germany changes from autumn to spring for its anniversary and thus comes closer to the dates of the European network from Paris, Lisbon and Vienna, among others.

To see the calendar with all events in the framework of the EMOP click HERE.

EMOP Berlin is a member of the European Month of Photography (EMOP), a European joint project that currently also includes the photo festivals in Brussels, Lisbon, Luxembourg, Paris and Vienna. The idea of setting up a European network of photo festivals was born in 2003 on the initiative of Berlin’s partner city Paris. The aims of the joint project are to promote cooperation at European level, to strengthen the international photo scene, to intensify the exchange of information and experience and to support young artists. In spring 2023, the festivals will take place in Vienna, Paris and Luxembourg.


Tuesday, 02 March to Friday, 31 March 2023

in several locations in Berlin

EMOP Berlin is a project of Kulturprojekte Berlin in cooperation with photo institutions in Berlin and Potsdam. It is made possible by funding from the Senate Department for Culture and Europe and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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