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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

THE MEDIA ART AWARD 2021. Best final theses of the Bauhaus University Weimar in media art/media design.

Editors’ Choice

In 2021, the Media Art Award will once again be held in cooperation with EIGENHEIM Weimar at the Bauhaus University Weimar’s annual exhibition. The Media Art Prize is awarded annually by the Media Art / Media Design programme. All departments of the course submit the best final projects of the past two semesters, which are then compiled into an exhibition in cooperation with students. A top-class jury then awards the prizes. An annual highlight of the Bauhaus University Weimar’s annual exhibition.

DEEDS NEWS - Galerie_EIGENHEIM_Weimar -c-Galerie Eigenheim Weimar Berlin-min
Galerie Eigenheim Weimar in the historic gardener’s house © Galerie Eigenheim Weimar/Berlin


The Media Art Award exhibition will open on 15 July 2021 at 4 pm at EIGENHEIM Weimar in the historic gardener’s house of the Weimarhallenpark in the immediate vicinity of the new Bauhaus Museum. The jury tour will take place on 16.07.2021 (between 4 and 7 p.m.) and the awards ceremony will be celebrated on 17.07.2021 at 2 p.m. The exhibition will be on display beyond the annual exhibition of the Bauhaus University Weimar until 31.07.2021.

Participating artists: Julia Albrecht / Carlos Garcia Fernandez / Eleftherios Krysalis / Paloma Joana Llambias Ottone / Anna Rupp / Andreas von Stosch / Tobias Zimmer

Jury members: Olaf Bender (Multimedia artist, label founder and musician – Chemnitz) and Alice Koegel (Exhibition Director / Nationalgalerie Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin)

The exhibition, the award ceremony and the extended duration of the exhibition are intended to give the graduates an optimal start in their professional lives and a high level of public awareness. A special feature of this award and the accompanying exhibition is that works from the fields of experimental radio, film, interface design, multimedia storytelling and electro-acoustic compositions are shown directly next to each other, thus making the entire profile of this versatile degree programme visible. Generating visibility is one of the tasks of the Bauhaus University Weimar’s annual show “The Sum”, to which the faculties of Media, Architecture and Urban Studies, Art and Design and Civil Engineering present themselves.

Media art has long been a guarantor of innovative developments in the arts: New technologies and digital media as well as their exciting interplay are a constant component of creative debate here. However, awards and prize-giving ceremonies are of great importance for artists in this field in particular, as media art largely escapes the traditional art market. The promotion of young art and innovative and creative processes is one of the main concerns of Merkur Privatbank as a sponsor.

Similar to a tradition, the Media Art Award has now existed for 13 years with the support of this bank. The number 13 has many different meanings. In Western culture, 13 is known as an unlucky number, but in other cultures it is considered a lucky charm. This makes it a number that is well suited to an art prize – winning and losing are very close to each other here. On the other hand, after the number 12, the number 13 stands for the beginning of a new cycle, for a new beginning and thus symbolically for the start of a new phase of life after graduation – after all, all of the works submitted are graduation works.

This year’s Media Art Prize also picks up on the number 13 in its graphic appearance. Both by using the Fibonacci sequence and the summery yellow “Pantone 13”. In combination with the 13th element of the periodic table “aluminium” and its silvery metallic sheen, the design gives the Media Art Award a festive overall impression.

WHERE? EIGENHEIM Weimar, Asbachstraße 1 (Historic gardener’s house in Weimarhallenpark), 99423 Weimar

More informationwww.uni-weimar.de/summaery

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