Abb. oben: Vera Kochubey im Atelier, Foto: Tanja Schnitzler
(Interview in Englisch) Vera, where do we talk together where do we meet you? We meet at my studio and gallery in BIKINI BERLIN. | love to paint here and sell my art as well as meeting new people. Maybe we are sitting at your favorite place? | can say that my favorite place is my atelier where | work. Where do you come from, where were you born when? | was born in USSR in Moscow in 1986
Where do you currently live and work? I live and work in Berlin Schoneberg since 2011. Which stations and people have shaped you? My family had great impact on shaping my personality, especially my mother, who was really against the idea of me becoming an artist. Which writers do you currently find exciting and which books are on your bookshelf? Art of War, Marie Kondo, TAROT, Sigmund Freud. Which books have influenced or shaped you? | am really passionate about psychology and psychoanalysis, as well as philosophy. During my studies | have read a lot of original Nietsche, Freud, Jung, Michel Foucault. The biggest impact I had from the book “Civilisation and its discontents” and “Madness and Civilisation”, As you can see | was always interested in global context and deeper meaning of life, as well as human inner world. What are you currently reading and where do you keep the book? I am currently reading a book about Tarot Magic and | keep it in my atelier.
What music do you listen to and when? | always listen to techno / electronic music when | paint. And also, when | drive the car. If you would cook something for us, what would it be? I love too cook, but | don’t cook much recently so you will probably get a sandwich. What do you like to eat most? Lobsters and caviar, what else ? Seafood and garlic bread. What do you think about breakfast? | think it should happen around 10:30 or later in the day. | love eggs for my breakfast on the weekend and sandwich on the weekdays. What kind of sport or counterbalance to your work do you practice? | love Spa and Massage, as well as swimming. Do you have special passions for which you are burning, and if so, which ones? Fighting my fears and demons. What personality trait defines you? Eccentric and passionate.
To begin, please tell us about your artistic vita in a few sentences
| started to paint at just two years old with my grand father, the painter, giving me my first art masterclasses. | went to art school in Moscow for 4 years but then | dropped out and moved to Berlin in 2011 to establish myself as an independent artist. | sold my first artwork immediately and took my art career seriously since then.
Briefly explain your current project / the upcoming exhibition.
Alchemy of a Spirit at HAZE gallery is a symphony of colours, strong statements and high vibrational art.
What are you currently most concerned about; what is on your mind?
High vibrations, energy, clear vision, mastery of life.
How did you come to art? Why art?
| always was creative, bold and eccentric. Who else if not an artist? | was born to become one.
What makes you happy atthe moment?
My son, my art, my work, me time, sea and good massage.
What is currently scaring you?
Do you believe that art has a social responsibility? And what do you think it can do?
Absolutely. | believe that my art makes the world a better place, its pleasing the eye, its high vibrational, it illuminates positivity, prosperity and abundance.
What makes your art special? What is it about – what are the central themes of your work?
THE DEEDS | DAS WERK Vera Kochubey
Die 1986 in Moskau geborene und in Berlin lebende Künstlerin Vera Kochubey spricht im Rahmen ihres Interviews über die zentrale Botschaft ihres künstlerischen Werks.
(Interview in Englisch) Vera, please describe the core theme and the central message of your work.
I’ve decided to no longer explain my art, but to express a state of mind. Powerful bliss, inspired uniqueness. You either love it or not. | am deeply inspired by pop art, American and Japanese authors.
Introduce us to the work that, in your view, exemplifies or best embodies the message of your work.
PINK EUPHORIA. Large Scale Meditation on color pink.
What is the aim of your art, your work, what is it supposed to achieve in the viewer?
High vibrational individuals are attracted to high vibrational people and things. You don’t just
see a painting or an art object, you see vibrant reality where everything is possible and
intention creates beauty of life.
Die Frage nach THE DEED | DAS WERK ist ein ergänzender und separat präsentierter Teil des THE INTERVIEW IN|DEEDS mit Vera Kochubey.
How do you protect yourself from too much inspiration these days?
I don’t have too much inspiration, | do what | love and | love what I do.
How much in your works is planned beforehand – how much is created intuitively?
Most of my works create themselves.
What are your (next) goals?
What is your opinion about faith? Do you have principles of faith or is there a motto?
Vera means Faith In Russian. My motto is “”BELIEVE IN YOUR FUCKING SELF”, but also | believe in the Universe and Cosmic order.
Which project would you still like to realize, if lack of time, courage or financial resources would not play a role?
What do you consider to be attributes of good art?
There should be SOUL in the artwork and there should be SPIRIT in it.
Is one born as an artist? Or is studying art compulsory in your view?
One can only be born an artist.
To whom do you show a new work first?
My mom.
What does the first hour of your day look like?
Coffee in bed, mandatory. Scrolling my phone with cats on my lap. 1 minute plan exercise.
Noch bis zum 19.11.2022 ist die Einzelausstellung “ALCHEMY OF A SPIRIT” von Vera Kochubey in der HazeGallery, Bülowstraße 11, 10783 Berlin-Schöneberg zu sehen. Ein Showroom mit Kunstwerken von Vera Kochubey ist derzeit im BIKINI Berlin, Budapester Straße 38-50, 10787 Berlin-Charlottenburg zu besuchen. Die Ausstellung ist Montag bis Samstag von 12 bis 18 Uhr geöffnet. Über die Webseite der Künstlerin kann auch ein individueller Termin zu einem Private Viewing an Sonntagen abgestimmt werden.
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